Marta: Šlomo Karin, mën kosaymat? |
Marta: Hello Karin, what are you doing? |
Karin: B šayno, komšafrono foṯi. |
Karin: Hi, I’m putting on my make-up. |
Marta: Layko azalto hat? |
Marta: Where are you going? |
Karin: Këtli mëštuṯo. |
Karin: I have a wedding. |
Marta: D man? |
Marta: Whose? (wedding) |
Karin: Di ḥwarṯayḏi, i Nisane. |
Karin: My friend (f.) Nisane. |
Marta: Šafiro, cal u xer. |
Marta: Nice, congratulations. |
Karin: Tawdi. Yawme d šabṯo yo, hat mën gëd saymat? |
Karin: Thank you. It's on Saturday, what are you going to do? |
Marta: Ono gëd ëzzi cam an nacime li ganṯo daḥ ḥäyewën. U Yacqub laybe, cawodo yo hul caṣriye. |
Marta: I'm going to the zoo with the kids. Yacqub can't make it, as he has to work ‘until evening. |
Karin: U faqiro du Yacqub disa! Elo an nacime gëd mëfṣoḥi. Yawmo basimo. |
Karin: Poor Yacqub again! But the children will be happy. Have a nice day! |
Marta: Tawdi. Adyawma i hawa basëmto yo. I Nisane hawila gado ṭawwo. Aṣ ṣërtoṯe di mëštuṯo gëd nëfqi ġäläbe šafire. |
Marta: Thanks. Today the weather is nice. Nisane is lucky. The wedding pictures will be very beautiful. |
Karin: E, ay yawme basime hawxa lo komiqafën, kolozam ḥa howele gado ṭawwo. Hat ste sëm ṣërtoṯe lan nacime cam aḥ ḥäyewën w mëfṣeḥu. |
Karin: Yes, such nice days are rare, one has to be lucky. You should take pictures of the children with the animals and have a lot of fun! |
Marta: Ṭrowe. Adyawma xliṯo no, u yawmo kule gëd mašafcalle cam an nacime. |
Marta: Okay. Today I have free time, I will spend the whole day with the children. |
Karin: Šafiro, yawmo basimo. |
Karin: Great, have a nice day. |
Marta: Tawdi, elax ste yawmo basimo w naqla ḥreto i mëštuṯo huyo brëxto. |
Marta: Thank you. Have a nice day too and once again, congratulations with the wedding. |