Du šrolo i Marta bi qamayto rëḥmowa d huyo taxtore, elo lo qadiro, miḏe d lo qayëṯla dukṯo bu beṯṣawbo d ëbcowa. |
Marta actually wanted to be a doctor first, but she couldn't because she didn't get a place at the university of her choice. |
I Marta mu šuroyo b lebo fliġoyo mšarewayla bi qrayto daz zëdqe. |
From the beginning Marta started studying law with mixed feelings. |
Elo lo mcajabla, mawxa ṭrela w xaṣiro i šatayo du yulfono. |
But she didn't like it, therefore she broke it off and lost that academic year. |
Bëṯër mëftakarla d këbce saymo mede, lašan d lo xuṣro i šato d ëṯyo ste. |
Then she thought that she had to do something, in order not to lose the next year as well. |
Mëjġela cam aḥ ḥawronayḏa w mšawarla bë mšabloniṯo du yulfono. |
She discussed with her friends and asked advice from a study advisor. |
Hawxa i Marta bdela dë mḥaḏro ruḥa li šato d ëṯyo. |
This is how Marta started to prepare herself for the coming year. |
Bay yawme dat tarce ftiḥe dab beṯṣawbe zërla fërce d yulfono mšaḥëlfe w malëmla iḏacṯo rwëḥto aclayye. |
During the open days at universities she attended various fields of study and acquired a broad knowledge about them. |
Azza li madrašto celayto d Enschede d quryo pedagogi, lo mcajabla. Ḥa yawmo azza lu Beṯṣawbo Ḥiro d Amsterdam dë mšaylo cal i taxtoriye di nafšo. |
She visited the university in Enschede (with the idea) to study pedagogy; she did not like it. One day she went to the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam to learn about psychology. |
Rḥëmla, elo mërla: “Kozaycono howe casqo acli w lo qudrono mdawmono”. |
She liked it, but said: „I’m afraid that it will be difficult and that I will not be able to continue.“
Bi ḥarayto azza d makaṯwo ruḥa bu Beṯṣawbo d Leiden d quryo lišono Ënglišoyo w sëfroyuṯo b nišo d huyo malfoniṯo. |
In the end she went to register at Leiden University, to study English language and culture with the aim to become a teacher. |
I Marta yolufto kašërto wa bi madrašto trayoniṯo. Kul naqla maydowa fuḥome ṭawwe. |
Marta was a diligent student in high school. She always got good grades. |
Bëṯër me d bu Beṯṣawbo d Leiden ḥzalle at tašrore w aw warqayḏa, maqëblalle. Mlela aw warqe du tëkṯiwo. |
At Leiden University, after they saw her certificates and documents, they accepted her. She filled in the registration forms. |
Bëṯër cal u darbo du nawlo mqafelala qelayto bë qriṯo qaruto l Leiden. |
Then she found a room through the internet in a village near Leiden. |
Hawxa i Marta hawyo rušmoyiṯ yolufto du Beṯṣawbo d Leiden. |
This is how Marta has become officially a student at Leiden University. |
Bi šato du yulfono d ëṯyo gëd mšaryo bi qrayto. |
She will start studying in the coming academic year. |