Bëṯër me d u Barṣawmo mšawarle bi aṯto, huwe fusqono d nuqli l Almanya. |
After Barṣawmo had consulted with his wife, they decided to move to Germany. |
B Berlin këtwalle more w iḏice ġäläbe, mawxa abici d nuqli l Berlin. |
In Berlin they had many relatives and acquaintances, therefore they wanted to move to Berlin. |
Hawxa mërre w hawxa sëmme. Maṭën l Berlin ḥa b nisën alfo w tšacmo w ḥammëš w tëšci (1995). |
No sooner said than done. They arrived in Berlin on 1 April 1995. |
B Berlin mcawni mam moraṯṯe hul d makralle bayto. |
In Berlin they were supported by their relatives until they rented a house. |
An nacime bdalle d ëzzën li madrašto w ëšmo ëšmo u Barṣawmo w i iqarṯayḏe rakiwi b Berlin. |
The children started going to school and slowly Barṣawmo and his family settled in Berlin. |
Elo u Barṣawmo w i Ḥana i aṯtayḏe cal d latwalle cwodo, loṯewalle ṣäbër. |
But Barṣawmo and his wife Ḥana got bored because they did not have a job. |
Hënne b Ṭurcabdin yalife du cwodo wayne. Karixi harke w tamo cal cwodo, lo mqafalle, miḏe d lišono Almanoyo lëḏciwa. |
In Turabdin they were used to working. They searched around for a job but they could not find one because they did not know the German language. |
Bi ḥarayto u Barṣawmo mërle: “Hawxa lo kowe. Latyo lo yawmo w lo tre. Kolozam saymina mede.” Mërle li Ḥana: “Qay lo kofëtḥinalan dukano du dahwo, xud hayo d këtwaylan b Mëḏyaḏ?” |
Finally Barṣawmo said: „It cannot go on like this. This does not concern a short period of time. We have to do something.“ He said to Ḥana: „Why don’t we open a jewelry shop like the one we had in Midyat?“ |
I Ḥana mërla: “Rënyo kayiso yo, elo az zuze qëṭro ne.” |
Ḥana replied: „It is a good idea, but it is difficult to finance it.“ |
U Barṣawmo mërle: “Gëd ṭëlbina zuze mam morayḏan, häka mcawannallan, lo kofoyaš qëṭro.” |
Barṣawmo replied: „We will ask our relatives for money; if they support us there won’t be a problem.“ |
Qayëm hiye w i Ḥana azzën mdayanne zuze mam moraṯṯe. Am moraṯṯe ste b iḏo ftëḥto huwanne. |
That is how he and Ḥana borrowed money from their relatives. Their relatives lent them money generously. |
Hawxa qadiri fëtḥi dukano nacëmto du dahwo. |
That is how they managed to open a small jewelry shop. |
Cam u zabno šuġla di iqarṯo mcadal. Hawëlle zuze, huwe ad dayne w zwënne raḏayto. |
Over time the situation of the family improved. They made profits, they paid off their debts and bought a car. |
Fayëš kocayši ḥaye basime. An nacimaṯṯe ste yalifi u lišono w sëmmanne ḥawrone. |
They now live a good life. Their children have learned the language and have made friends. |