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abici |
they wanted |
ܐܰܒܝܥܝ |
aclayye |
on them (preposition cal + suffix |
ܐܰܥܠܰܝـܝܶܗ |
arco (f.) |
here: lot |
ܐܰܪܥܐ (ܐܰܬ݂) |
aršitakt |
architect |
ܐܰܪܫܝܬܰܟܬ |
aṯën |
they came |
ܐܰܬ݂ܷܢ |
azzën |
they went |
ܐܰܙܙܷܢ |
bälädiye (f.) |
municipality |
ܒܱܠܱܕܝـܝܶܐ (ܐܰܬ݂) |
banyo |
bathroom |
ܒܰܐܢܝܐ |
bëṯër |
after |
ܒܷܬ݂ܷܪ |
biṭon |
concrete |
ܒܝܛܳܢ |
boya |
paint |
ܒܳܝܰܐ |
camër |
it was built |
ܥܰܡܷܪ |
cawode ne |
they are employees |
ܥܰܘܳܕܶܐ ܢܶܐ |
celayto yo |
she is high |
ܥܶܠܰܝܬܐ ܝܐ |
čimanto (f.) |
cement |
ܫ̰ܝܡܰܢܬܐ (ܐܰܬ݂) |
d macamri |
that they build |
ܕܡܰܥܰܡܪܝ |
dmoxo |
sleeping |
ܕܡܳܟ݂ܐ |
elo |
but |
ܐܶܠܐ |
fsoso lu tëcmiro |
building permission |
ܦܣܳܣܐ ܠܘ ܬܷܥܡܝܪܐ |
gab |
next to |
ܓܰܒ |
ganṯo |
garden |
ܓܰܢܬ݂ܐ |
gurno |
sink, bath, basin |
ܓܘܪܢܐ |
gurno lu ḥyofo |
bath, bathtub |
ܓܘܪܢܐ ܠܘ ܚܝܳܦܐ |
gurno lu tešiġo |
sink, washbasin, kitchen sink |
ܓܘܪܢܐ ܠܘ ܬܶܫܝܓ݂ܐ |
ġalṭo |
wrong |
ܓ݂ܰܠܛܐ |
ġer medone |
other materials |
ܓ݂ܶܝܪ ܡܶܕܳܢܶܐ |
harke w tamo |
here und there |
ܗܰܪܟܶܐ ܘܬܰܡܐ |
hënne |
they |
ܗܷܢܢܶܐ |
hula alle |
she gave them |
ܗܘܠܰܗ ܐܰܠܠܶܗ |
ḥarayto |
end, at last |
ܚܰܪܰܝܬܐ |
ḥaṯe |
new (pl.) |
ܚܰܬ݂ܶܐ |
ḥaṯo |
new (m.Sg.) |
ܚܰܬ݂ܐ |
ḥḏo |
one (f.) |
ܚܕ݂ܐ |
kaġat |
paper, wallpaper |
ܟܰܓ݂ܰܬ |
karixi |
they searched |
ܟܰܪܝܟ݂ܝ |
karyo |
short ( |
ܟܰܪܝܐ |
kefe |
stones, bricks |
ܟܶܦܶܐ |
këtla |
she has |
ܟܷܬܠܰܗ |
këre |
rent |
ܟܷܪܶܐ |
koyëtwi |
they live |
ܟܳܝܷܬܘܝ |
kul mede |
everything |
ܟܘܠ ܡܶܕܶܐ |
kurxi |
they search |
ܟܘܪܟ݂ܝ |
lawġël |
inside |
ܠܰܘܓ݂ܷܠ |
lozamwa |
it was necessary |
ܠܳܙܰܡܘܰܐ |
madcarla |
she answered, replied |
ܡܰܕܥܰܪܠܰܗ |
maḥwele alle |
he showed them |
ܡܰܚܘܶܠܶܗ ܐܰܠܠܶܗ |
malawši |
(that) they decorate |
ܡܰܠܰܘܫܝ |
markawwe: markawwe u rëcyonaṯṯe cal |
agreed: they agreed to |
ܡܰܪܟܰܘܘܶܗ: ܡܰܪܟܰܘܘܶܗ ܐܘ ܪܷܥܝܳܢܰܬ݂ܬ݂ܶܗ ܥܰܠ |
maṭbax |
kitchen |
ܡܰܛܒܰܟ݂ |
matëryal |
material |
ܡܰܬܷܪܝܰܐܠ |
mbayzarre |
they negotiated |
ܡܒܰܝܙܰܪܪܶܗ |
mede |
something |
ܡܶܕܶܐ |
mene |
from him |
ܡܶܢܶܗ |
mëdde |
some time |
ܡܷܕܕܶܐ |
mëjġalle |
they spoke |
ܡܷܔܓ݂ܰܠܠܶܗ |
miḏe d |
because |
ܡܝܕ݂ܶܐ ܕ |
mnaqalle |
they chose |
ܡܢܰܩܰܠܠܶܗ |
mnaqën |
(that) they choose |
ܡܢܰܩܷܢ |
mqafalle |
they found |
ܡܩܰܦܰܠܠܶܗ |
mšaralle |
they started |
ܡܫܰܪܰܠܠܶܗ |
mšaralle d kurxi |
they started to search |
ܡܫܰܪܰܠܠܶܗ ܕܟܘܪܟ݂ܝ |
mšarela |
she started |
ܡܫܰܪܶܠܰܗ |
nqila |
she moved |
ܢܩܝܠܰܗ |
plan |
plan, construction plan |
ܦ݁ܠܰܐܢ |
qeloyoṯe |
rooms |
ܩܶܠܳܝܳܬ݂ܶܐ |
rabṯo |
big (f.Sg.) |
ܪܰܒܬ݂ܐ |
rabuṯo |
size |
ܪܰܒܘܬ݂ܐ |
raḏën |
they agreed |
ܪܰܕ݂ܷܢ |
rëcyono |
opinion, idea |
ܪܷܥܝܳܢܐ |
rošam alle |
(that) he draws (something) for them |
ܪܳܫܰܡ ܐܰܠܠܶܗ |
ršëmle |
he drew |
ܪܫܷܡܠܶܗ |
sefoqe |
dishes |
ܣܶܦܳܩܶܐ |
semaqto |
red (f.Sg.) |
ܣܶܡܰܩܬܐ |
šafëc |
it passed |
ܫܰܦܷܥ |
šafërto |
beautiful (f.Sg.) |
ܫܰܦܷܪܬܐ |
šawṯoṯe |
neighbourhoods |
ܫܰܘܬ̣ܳܬ̣ܶܐ |
šërke, pl. šërkat |
company |
ܫܷܪܟܶܐ، ܫܷܪܟܰܬ |
šrëḥle alle |
he explained to them |
ܫܪܷܚܠܶܗ ܐܰܠܠܶܗ |
šrolo |
correct, right |
ܫܪܳܠܐ |
šurone |
walls |
ܫܘܪܳܢܶܐ |
tarce |
doors |
ܬܰܪܥܶܐ |
tëcmiro |
building |
ܬܷܥܡܝܪܐ |
tešiġo |
washing-up |
ܬܶܫܝܓ݂ܐ |
tlëṯ |
three (+ f.) |
ܬܠܷܬ݂ |
tuwalet |
toilet |
ܬܘܘܰܠܶܬ |
ṭëlbi |
(that) they apply |
ܛܷܠܒܝ |
u rëcyonaṯṯe |
their opinion, idea |
ܐܘ ܪܷܥܝܳܢܰܬ݂ܬ݂ܶܗ |
xabro |
word, answer, message |
ܟ݂ܰܒܪܐ |
xayifo |
fast (m.Sg.) |
ܟ݂ܰܝـܝܦܐ |
yarḥo |
month |
ܝܰܪܚܐ |
zawni |
(that) they buy |
ܙܰܘܢܝ |