I Saro me zawno kocawdo bi dukano daj jule. Hawila nësyono ṭawwo bu zwono w zebono. |
Saro has been working in the clothes shop for a while. She has gained good experience with buying and selling and |
Mawxa hawyo mdabroniṯo li dukano. |
so she has become a shop manager. |
Këḏco az zawone mën šëkël jule korëḥmi w aydarbo obo w šuqlo acmayye. |
She knows the preferences of the customers and she knows how to interact with them. |
U šuḥlofo bu šuḥlofo këḏco ayna jule bi moda ne w mën maḥto bi dukano. |
She is up to date with the fashion in each season and she knows what to offer in the shop. |
Komaḥto bolo cal ag gawne d këzzën cam ḥḏoḏe. |
She pays attention to which colours go well together. |
Maṯlo, semoqo w komo cam ḥḏoḏe, šacuṯo w zarqo cam ḥḏoḏe w ġer. |
For example, she puts red and black together, yellow and blue together and so on. |
I Saro koḥayro ṭawwo cal u ṭukoso d gawa di dukano. |
Saro manages the shop well |
Kofëršo gabo lag gawre, ḥa lan niše, ḥa lan nacime w ḥa lac clayme. |
She sets aside one part for the men, one for the women, one for the children and one for teenagers. |
Kofëršo ste at tëġme daj jule me ḥḏoḏe: panṭronat, fësṭanat, čaketat, qemësyoṯe, qomoṯe, fanerat, bluzat, krawat w ġer. |
She also keeps the different kind of clothes sorted: trousers, dresses, jackets, shirts, skirts, sweaters, blouses, ties and so on. |
Bëṯër kofëršalle lag gawne: semoqo, komo, ḥeworo, šacuṯo, zarqo, yaroqo, qaṭmono, qaḥwonoyo, përtaqani, wardonoyo, manëškoyo w ġer. |
Then she sorts them according to colour: red, black, white, yellow, blue, green, grey, brown, orange, pink, purple and so on. |
Hawxa komcalqo kul mede mṭakso w šafiro b dukṯe. |
So she hangs each item organized and nicely in its place. |
Am medone nacime, xud ag gërwe, qubce, jule taḥtoye, qdoše, marwoḏe, šayre w ġer medone komaḥtalle bas sale aw cal aṭ ṭëbloyoṯe. |
She puts small items like socks, hats, underwear, necklaces, earrings, bracelets and other things in baskets or on the tables. |
Bi dukano di Saro kit jule w ḥëšloṯe lay yawme mbayne w lay yawme šarye. |
In Saro's shop there are clothes and jewellery for special occasions and for weekdays. |
Lašan i dukano malxo ṭawwo w nofaq ëšma bi ṭawwuṯo, i Saro me kule leba kocawdo w komcawno az zawone. |
Saro works wholeheartedly and helps the customers as much as she can so that the store sells a lot and develops a good name. |