U Aday mkamele u dawro šarwoyo du lišono Holandoyo meqëm d cowad. |
Aday finished the beginners language course for Dutch before he started working. |
Bu dawrano yalëf aydarbo mawḏac ruḥe w aydarbo obe w šoqal cam an noše. |
In this course he learned how to introduce himself and how to socialise with people. |
Yalëf ste ġalabe xabre di madrašto xud: qanyo, daftar, kṯowo, luḥo, laḥayto, malfono, sëdro, čanṭa, ṭëbliṯo, qrayto, kṯawto, hërgo, durošo w ġer. |
He also learned many words related to school: pen, notebook, book, board, eraser, teacher, class, bag, table, reading, writing, lesson, exercise and others. |
Bëṯër me d qadër maxlaṣ ruḥe bu lišono Holandoyo, mšarele d korax cal cwodo di malfonuṯo. |
After he was able to get by in the Dutch language, he began to search for a teaching position. |
Ucdo u Aday malfono yo. Komolaf Surayt b madrašto Holandayto. Këtle yolufe Holandoye w Suryoye. |
Now Aday is a teacher. He teaches Surayt in a Dutch school. He has Dutch and Syriac students. |
Cam u zabno u Aday komaqwe u lišonayḏe u Holandoyo. Frëšlele bi šabṯo yawmo dilonoyo lu ylofo du lišono Holandoyo. |
With time Aday is improving his Dutch. He has reserved one day per week for studying the Dutch language. |
Ġäläbe kore bu zabno du hërgo kowe mamlo bayn day yolufe w du malfono. |
During the class there are often conversations between the students and the teacher. |
Karin ḥḏo may yolufe Holandoye yo. |
Karin is one of the Dutch students. |
Komšaylo u Aday: „Ayko yalifat Holandoyo?“ |
She asks Aday: ‘Where have you learned Dutch?’ |
Komfane u Aday: „Ono ste xoṯax bad dawre du lišono yalëfno. |
Aday answers: ‘Just like you, in the language courses.’ |
Hat qay këbcat yëlfat Surayt?”, komšayal u Aday li Karin. |
Aday asks Karin: ‘Why do you want to learn Surayt?’ |
Hiya këmmo: „Cal d këtli ḥawrone Suryoye, këbcono fëhmanne inaqla d howina cam ḥḏoḏe.“ |
She says: ‘Because I have Syriac friends; I want to understand them when we are together.’ |
Marta yolufto Suryayto yo. U Aday komšayela: Hat qay këbcat yëlfat Surayt? |
Marta is a Syriac student. Aday asks her: ‘Why do you want to learn Surayt?’ |
Hiya këmmo: Cal d këtyo u lišonayḏi. |
She says: ‘Because it is my langauge. |
U lišonayḏi falqo mi hiyuṯayḏi yo. |
My language is part of my identity. |
Bëṯër ḥa mën d yolaf ṭawwo yo. |
Besides, it is good to learn something. |
Këmmi u yulfono u bahro dat tre yo. |
It is said that learning is the second light.’ |