Bi šato dat tarte di qrayto qayëṯla li Marta mawḏconuṯo cal mkone d Erasmus. |
In the second study year Marta was informed about opportunities with the Erasmus programme. |
ܒܝ ܫܰܬܐ ܕܰܬ ܬܰܪܬܶܐ ܕܝ ܩܪܰܝܬܐ ܩܰܝܷܬ݂ܠܰܗ ܠܝ ܡܰܪܬܰܐ ܡܰܘܕ݂ܥܳܢܘܬ݂ܐ ܥܰܠ ܡܟܳܢܶܐ ܕܐܶܪܰܣܡܘܣ. |
Ḥzela d kiba ëzza quryo šato larwal me Holanda b beṯṣawbo Urifoyo. |
She learned that she had the opportunity to study a year outside the Netherlands at a European University. |
ܚܙܶܠܰܗ ܕܟܝܒܰܗ ܐܷܙܙܰܗ ܩܘܪܝܐ ܫܰܬܐ ܠܰܪܘܰܠ ܡܶܐ ܗܳܠܰܢܕܰܐ ܒܒܶܝܬ݂ܨܰܘܒܐ ܐܘܪܝܦܳܝܐ. |
Baynoṯayye këtwa ab beṯṣawbe d Cambridge, d Bergen, dë Stockholm, d Bologna, d Salamanca w u Beṯṣawbo Ḥiro d Berlin. |
Among them were the universities of Cambridge, Bologna, Salamanca and the Freie Universität Berlin. |
ܒܰܝܢܳܬ݂ܰܝـܝܶܗ ܟܷܬܘܰܐ ܐܰܒ ܒܶܝܬ݂ܨܰܘܒܶܐ ܕܟܰܡܒܪܝܔ، ܕܒܶܪܓܷܢ، ܕܷܣܬܳܟܗܳܠܡ، ܕܒܳܠܳܢܝܰܐ، ܕܣܰܠܰܡܰܢܟܰܐ ܘܐܘ ܒܶܝܬ݂ܨܰܘܒܐ ܚـܝܪܐ ܕܒܶܪܠܝܢ. |
Lašan ḥa dë mrajac lu Erasmus, kobacle fuḥome ṭawwe w iḏacṯo du lišono du aṯro d ëzzele. |
To apply for the Erasmus programme, one needs good grades and language skills of the country one is going to. |
ܠܰܫܰܢ ܚܰܐ ܕܷܡܪܰܔܰܥ ܠܘ ܐܶܪܰܣܡܘܣ، ܟܳܐܒܰܥܠܶܗ ܦܘܚܳܡܶܐ ܛܰܘܘܶܐ ܘܐܝܕ݂ܰܥܬ݂ܐ ܕܘ ܠܝܫܳܢܐ ܕܘ ܐܰܬ݂ܪܐ ܕܐܷܙܙܶܠܶܗ. |
I Marta bi qamayto abico d ëzza l Iṭalya aw lë Spanya d mibasmo bi hawa d tamo, elo lëḏcowa lo Iṭaloyo w lo Spanoyo. |
First Marta wanted to go to Italy or Spain in order to enjoy the weather, but she did neither know Italian nor Spanish. |
ܐܝ ܡܰܪܬܰܐ ܟܷܬܘܰܝܠܰܗ ܠܶܒܐ ܒܝ ܩܰܡܰܝܬܐ ܕܐܷܙܙܰܗ ܠܐܝܛܰܐܠܝܰܐ ܐܘ ܠܷܣܦ݁ܰܐܢܝܰܐ ܕܡܝܒܰܣܡܐ ܒܝ ܗܰܘܰܐ ܕܬܰܡܐ، ܐܶܠܐ ܠܷܐܕ݂ܥܳܘܰܐ ܠܐ ܐܝܛܰܠܳܝܐ ܘܠܐ ܣܦ݁ܰܢܳܝܐ. |
Bu Ingliz ḥa kibe mëjġal Ënglišoyo baḥ haye yawmoye, elo i cäyaša tamo b ṭimo yo. |
In England one can speak English in daily life but life is expensive there. |
ܒܘ ܐܝܢܓܠܝܙ ܚܰܐ ܟܝܒܶܗ ܡܷܔܓ݂ܰܠ ܐܷܢܓܠܝܫܳܝܐ ܒܰܚ ܚܰܝܶܐ ܝܰܘܡܳܝܶܐ، ܐܶܠܐ ܐܝ ܥܱܝܰܫܰܐ ܬܰܡܐ ܒܛܝܡܐ ܝܐ. |
B Norweč w bu Swed quro yo w al lišone Skandinavoye ste lo yalifalle. |
In Norway and in Sweden it is cold and she also did not learn the Scandinavian languages. |
ܒܢܳܪܘܶܫ̰ ܘܒܘ ܣܘܶܕ ܩܘܪܐ ܝܐ ܘܐܰܠ ܠܝܫܳܢܶܐ ܣܟܰܢܕܝܢܰܒ݂ܳܝܶܐ ܣܬܶܐ ܠܐ ܝܰܠܝܦܰܠܠܶܗ. |
Ab be babayḏa, u baytaṯṯe cal u tḥumo d Almanya yo w mawxa hiya me nacmuṯa yalifo u lišono Almanoyo ham bi madrašto w ham cam aḥ ḥawronayḏa d mu gabo ḥreno du tḥumo. |
Her family, their house is on the German border and therefore she learned the German langauge both in school and from her friends from the other side of the border. |
ܐܰܒ ܒܶܐ ܒܰܒܰܝܕ݂ܰܗ، ܐܘ ܒܰܝܬܰܬ݂ܶܗ ܥܰܠ ܐܘ ܬܚܘܡܐ ܕܐܰܠܡܰܐܢܝܰܐ ܝܐ ܘܡܰܘܟ݂ܰܐ ܗܝـܝܰܐ ܡܶܐ ܢܰܥܡܘܬ݂ܰܗ ܝܰܠܝܦܐ ܐܘ ܠܝܫܳܢܐ ܐܰܠܡܰܢܳܝܐ ܗܰܡ ܒܝ ܡܰܕܪܰܫܬܐ ܘܗܰܡ ܥܰܡ ܐܰܚ ܚܰܘܪܳܢܰܝܕ݂ܰܗ ܕܡܘ ܓܰܒܐ ܚܪܶܢܐ ܕܘ ܬܚܘܡܐ. |
Cam gabe d haṯe hën mam morayḏa howënwa b Berlin w mëḥyowalle rišo naqlawoṯe bab baṭlone. |
Besides, some of her relatives were living in Berlin, whom she occasionally used to visit during the holidays. |
ܥܰܡ ܓܰܒܶܗ ܕܗܰܬ݂ܶܐ ܗܷܢ ܡܰܡ ܡܳܪܰܝܕ݂ܰܗ ܗܳܘܶܢܘܰܐ ܒܒܶܪܠܝܢ ܘܡܷܚـܝܳܘܰܠܠܶܗ ܪܝܫܐ ܢܰܩܠܰܘܳܬ݂ܶܐ ܒܰܒ ܒܰܛܠܳܢܶܐ. |
U Beṯṣawbo Ḥiro d Berlin ste ëšme iḏico yo bayn dab beṯṣawbe Urifoye. |
The Freie Universität Berlin has also a good reputation among European universities. |
ܐܘ ܒܶܝܬ݂ܨܰܘܒܐ ܚـܝܪܐ ܕܒܶܪܠܝܢ ܣܬܶܐ ܐܷܫܡܶܗ ܐܝܕ݂ܝܥܐ ܝܐ ܒܰܝܢ ܕܰܒ ܒܶܝܬ݂ܨܰܘܒܶܐ ܐܘܪܝܦܳܝܶܐ. |
Mqadamla u ṭäläbayḏa lë tloṯo beṯṣawbe xud kolozam: u Beṯṣawbo d Cambridge qamayto, u Beṯṣawbo Ḥiro d Berlin bu darġo dat tre w u Beṯṣawbo dë Stockholm bu darġo dat tloṯo. |
As required, she has applied to three universities: University of Cambridge in first place, Freie Universität Berlin in the second place and Stockholm University in the third place. |
ܡܩܰܕܰܡܠܰܗ ܐܘ ܛܱܠܱܒܰܝܕ݂ܰܗ ܠܷܬܠܳܬ݂ܐ ܒܶܝܬ݂ܨܰܘܒܶܐ ܟ݂ܘܕ ܟܳܠܳܙܰܡ: ܐܘ ܒܶܝܬ݂ܨܰܘܒܐ ܕܟܰܡܒܪܝܔ ܩܰܡܰܝܬܐ، ܐܘ ܒܶܝܬ݂ܨܰܘܒܐ ܚـܝܪܐ ܕܒܶܪܠܝܢ ܒܘ ܕܰܪܓ݂ܐ ܕܰܬ ܬܪܶܐ ܘܐܘ ܒܘ ܒܶܝܬ݂ܨܰܘܒܐ ܕܷܣܬܳܟܗܳܠܡ ܒܘ ܕܰܪܓ݂ܐ ܕܰܬ ܬܠܳܬ݂ܐ. |
Miḏe d ad dukoṯe d bu Beṯṣawbo d Cambridge ëšmo wayne, lo qadiro d ëzza l tamo. |
Because there were limited places at the University of Cambridge, she could not go there. |
ܡܝܕ݂ܶܗ ܕܐܰܕ ܕܘܟܳܬ݂ܶܐ ܕܒܘ ܒܶܝܬ݂ܨܰܘܒܐ ܕܟܰܡܒܪܝܔ ܐܷܫܡܐ ܘܰܝܢܶܐ، ܠܐ ܩܰܕܝܪܐ ܕܐܷܙܙܰܗ ܠܬܰܡܐ. |
Qayëṯla dukṯo b Berlin w bë Stockholm. Hula xabro lam morayḏa d Berlin w fṣiḥi ġäläbe me d šamici d gëd ëṯyo l gabayye. |
She was accepted in Berlin and in Stockholm. She informed her relatives in Berlin and they were delighted to hear that she would come to them. |
ܩܰܝܷܬ݂ܠܰܗ ܕܘܟܬ݂ܐ ܒܒܶܪܠܝܢ ܘܒܷܣܬܳܟܗܳܠܡ. ܗܘܠܰܗ ܟ݂ܰܒܪܐ ܠܰܡ ܡܳܪܰܝܕ݂ܰܗ ܕܒܶܪܠܝܢ ܘܦܨܝـܚـܝ ܓ݂ܱܠܱܒܶܐ ܡܶܐ ܕܫܰܡܝܥܝ ܕܓܷܕ ܐܷܬ݂ܝܐ ܠܓܰܒܰܝـܝܶܗ. |
Meqëm me d bëdyo bi qrayto b Berlin, mḥela rišo lam morayḏa w fayišo šabṯo gabayye d makaṯwo ruḥa bu beṯṣawbo w ḥëzyola bayto. |
Before she started studying in Berlin, she visited her relatives to register herself at the university and to find a house. |
ܡܶܩܷܡ ܡܶܐ ܕܷܒܷܕܝܐ ܒܝ ܩܪܰܝܬܐ ܒܒܶܪܠܝܢ، ܡܚܶܠܰܗ ܪܝܫܐ ܠܰܡ ܡܳܪܰܝܕ݂ܰܗ ܘܦܰܝـܝܫܐ ܫܰܒܬ݂ܐ ܓܰܒܰܝـܝܶܗ ܕܡܰܟܰܬ݂ܘܐ ܪܘܚܰܗ ܒܘ ܒܶܝܬ݂ܨܰܘܒܐ ܘܚܷܙܝܳܠܰܗ ܒܰܝܬܐ. |
Karixo cal qelayto b dayira mšawtafto. |
She searched for a room in a shared apartment. |
ܟܰܪܝܟ݂ܳܐ ܥܰܠ ܩܶܠܰܝܬܐ ܒܕܰܝـܝܪܰܐ ܡܫܰܘܬܰܦܬܐ. |
Grëšla ṣacbuṯo d ḥëzyo qelayto d kiba obo ḥaq diḏa, cal d ak kërat calën ġäläbe b Berlin ban ëšne ḥaroyani. |
She had difficulty finding a room that she could afford because the rents have gone up in Berlin in the last few years. |
ܓܪܷܫܠܰܗ ܨܰܥܒܘܬ݂ܐ ܕܚܷܙܝܐ ܩܶܠܰܝܬܐ ܕܟܝܒܰܗ ܐܳܒܐ ܚܰܩ ܕܝܕ݂ܰܗ ܥܰܠ ܕܐܰܟ ܟܷܪܰܬ ܥܰܠܷܢ ܓ݂ܱܠܱܒܶܐ ܒܒܶܪܠܝܢ ܒܰܢ ܐܷܫܢܶܐ ܚܰܪܳܝܰܢܝ. |
Cal u darbo du nawlo sëmla esore cam yolufe ḥrene w bi ḥarayto makralle dayira cam ḥḏoḏe. |
Over the internet she got in touch with other students with whom she eventually has rented an apartment. |
ܥܰܠ ܐܘ ܕܰܪܒܐ ܕܘ ܢܰܘܠܐ ܣܷܡܠܰܗ ܐܶܣܳܪܶܐ ܥܰܡ ܝܳܠܘܦܶܐ ܚܪܶܢܶܐ ܘܒܝ ܚܰܪܰܝܬܐ ܡܰܟܪܰܠܠܶܗ ܕܰܝـܝܪܰܐ ܥܰܡ ܚܕ݂ܳܕ݂ܶܐ. |
Aš šabayḏa aq qamoye bu Beṯṣawbo Ḥiro d Berlin šafici basimo. Naqlawoṯe lo fëhmowa hën max xabre d ëmmënwanne am malfone aw ay yolufe ḥrene. |
Her first weeks at the Freie Universität Berlin went well. Sometimes she did not understand some of the words which the teachers or the students used. |
ܐܰܫ ܫܰܒܰܝܕ݂ܰܗ ܐܰܩ ܩܰܡܳܝܶܐ ܒܘ ܒܶܝܬ݂ܨܰܘܒܐ ܚـܝܪܐ ܕܒܶܪܠܝܢ ܫܰܦܝܥܝ ܒܰܣܝܡܐ. ܢܰܩܠܰܘܳܬ݂ܶܐ ܠܐ ܦܷܗܡܳܘܰܐ ܗܷܢ ܡܰܟ݂ ܟ݂ܰܒܪܶܐ ܕܐܷܡܡܷܢܘܰܢܢܶܗ ܐܰܡ ܡܰܠܦܳܢܶܐ ܐܰܘ ܐܰܝ ܝܳܠܘܦܶܐ ܚܪܶܢܶܐ. |
Elo cam u zabno, me d sëmlala ḥawrone Almanoye, qawi u lišonayḏa u Almanoyo w nošo lo foraqwa fayëš d latyo Berlinayto. |
Overtime however, after she made German friends she improved her German language and one would no longer notice that she was not from Berlin. |
ܐܶܠܐ ܥܰܡ ܐܘ ܙܰܒܢܐ، ܡܶܐ ܕܣܷܡܠܰܠܰܗ ܚܰܘܪܳܢܶܐ ܐܰܠܡܰܢܳܝܶܐ، ܩܰܘܝ ܐܘ ܠܝܫܳܢܰܝܕ݂ܰܗ ܐܘ ܐܰܠܡܰܢܳܝܐ ܘܢܳܫܐ ܠܐ ܦܳܪܰܩܘܰܐ ܦܰܝܷܫ ܕܠܰܬܝܐ ܒܶܪܠܝܢܰܝܬܐ. |
Hawila ste mahwo w šqolo cam ṣawboye me briṯo kula w mëjġolowa Ënglišoyo cam hani d lëḏciwa Almanoyo. |
She also socialised with academics from different parts of the world and she talked in English with those who did not know German. |
ܗܰܘܝܠܰܗ ܣܬܶܐ ܡܰܗܘܳܐ ܘܫܩܳܠܐ ܥܰܡ ܨܰܘܒܳܝܶܐ ܡܶܐ ܒܪܝܬ݂ܐ ܟܘܠܰܗ ܘܡܷܔܓ݂ܳܠܳܘܰܐ ܐܷܢܓܠܝܫܳܝܐ ܥܰܡ ܗܰܢܝ ܕܠܷܐܕ݂ܥܝܘܰܐ ܐܰܠܡܰܢܳܝܐ. |