Saro: Brix ṣafro, Barbara. |
Saro: Good morning Barbara. |
Barbara: Brix ṭobo, Saro. |
Barbara: Good morning Saro. |
Saro: Kul mede ṭawwo yo? |
Saro: Is everything alright? |
Barbara: Tawdi, kul mede ṭawwo yo, ġer mi hawa. Oh, haṯe mën hawa yo! |
Barbara: Thank you, everything is alright, except for the weather. Oh, what kind of weather is this! |
Saro: Mën saymina, hawxa yo, tëšroyoṯe ne. |
Saro: What do we do about it? That's the way it is. It is autumn. |
Barbara: Këmmat u yawmo kule gëd howe maṭro? |
Barbara: Do you think it will rain all day? |
Saro: E, komëtyaqnono, hawxa mir baṭ ṭebe. |
Saro: Yes, I believe so; it was mentioned in the news. |
Barbara: Ramḥël aydarbo yo i hawa? |
Barbara: How is the weather going to be tomorrow? |
Saro: Ramḥël ste caywe, maṭro, barqe w hawa ḥëṣto gëd howe. |
Saro: Tomorrow it will also be cloudy, rainy with a thunderstorm and strong winds. |
Barbara: E, ay yawme basime du qayṭo xaliṣi. Annaqla gëd oṯe u saṯwo. |
Barbara: Yes, the nice summer days are gone. Now the winter is approaching. |
Saro: Hawxa yo. Kolozam saymina ḥšowo du talgo, du gliḏo w di ḥarṣabṯo. |
Saro: That is right. We should expect snow, ice and hail. |
Barbara: Lo ṭocat u xroṭo daj jamat dar raḏoyoṯe. |
Barbara: Don’t forget the scraping off of car windows. |
Saro: E, hawxa yo, cadi yo. Mën gëd saymat adyawma? |
Saro: Yes, that is normal. What are your plans for today? |
Barbara: Ucdo latli mede cal boli. Caṣriye kocawdono adyawma. |
Barbara: I have nothing planned yet. Today I will be working in the evening. |
Saro: D rëḥmat tax šotina qaḥwa, hul d oṯën an nacime mi madrašto. |
Saro: If you like, let’s have coffee until the children get back from school. |