Qayëm u Aday komtalfan l Mëḏyaḏ w komšayal cal u barёḥmayḏe. |
Aday then calls Midyat and asks about his brother-in-law. |
I aṯto du barёḥmayḏe këmmo: “Aṯmël mqawmo cal u Abrohëm. |
The wife of his brother-in-law says, “Yesterday Abrohëm got ill. |
Hiye mërle li: ‘Ašër komaḥësno b ruḥi d latno ṭawwo, riši konoqar, lebi komigawlac, këtli ḥëmto w gušmi kule komarcal.’ |
He said to me, ‘I actually do not feel well, I have a headache, I feel nauseous, I have a fever and my body is shivering.’ |
‘E, d howe hawxa kobac d ëzzux lu taxtor,’ mërli le. |
I said to him, ‘Yes, if that is how you feel, you should visit the doctor.’ |
“E hawxa. Bëṯër me falge d yawmo mtawbal lu taxtor. Hiw ele darmone, ḥappoṯe w šërub. |
That is how he was brought to the doctor in the afternoon. He was given medication, tablets and syrup. |
Mir ele, ‘kolozam mëṯnoḥat. iḏa me ucdo l šabṯo lo nayëḥle, kolozam mitadacar naqla ḥreto lu taxtor.’ |
He was told, ‘you have to rest. If you do not get better in a week, you should be brought back.’ |
Kale ucdo bu bayto mžido cal u taxt.” |
He is now at home laying on the bed.” |
”Kibi mëjġalno acme?” Mërle u Aday. “E, e.”. |
“Can I talk to him?”, asked Aday. “Yes, of course!” |
“Šlomo Abrohëm, aydarbo hat?” |
“Hello Abrohëm, how are you?” |
“Tawdi ġalabe Aday, kala i Šušan maḥkela be mën hawi acmi,” Komar u Abrohëm. |
“Thank you very much Aday, Šušan has already told you what happened to me”, Abrohëm says. |
“Hway moro l ruḥux w Aloho obe lux ḥulmono ṭawwo”, Komar u Aday. |
“Take care of yourself, hopefully you will be better soon”, Aday says. |
Bëṯër b šabto i Saro mtalfanla naqla ḥreto l be Abrohёm. Mšayela i aṯto du aḥunayḏa, be aydarbo hawi u Abrohëm? |
After a week Saro called Abrohёm‘s family again. She asked her sister-in-law how Abrohёm is doing. |
I Šušan mërla: “haymën heš hawxa yo. Aṯmël mtawbal naqla ḥreto lu taxtor.” “E, mën mir ele?” Mërla i Saro. |
Šušan said, ”to be honest, he is still the same. Yesterday he was brought to the doctor again.” Saro said, ”and, what was he told?” |
“Bëṯër me dë mcayan ṭawwo, mḥawal lab beṯ krihe.” mërla i Šušan. |
”After he was examined well, he was transferred to the hospital.” |
“Tamo mir ele ‘kit kefe bak kulyoṯayḏux! Kobac fayšat adlalyo harke d ḥozina ramḥël mën kiban saymina lux.’ |
“There he was told: ‘you have stones in your kidneys. You will have to stay here tonight. Tomorrow we will see what we can do for you.’ |
Bëṯër aṯyo camšira w mawbela u Abrohëm acma l qelayto ḥreto. Damëx bramšël bab beṯ krihe. |
Then a nurse came and took Abrohëm with her to a different room. Last night he slept in the hospital. |
Adṣafro aṯi u taxtor side w mërle le: ‘Gëd obeno lux ḥappoṯe, miḏe d komašërno baḥ ḥappoṯani ak kulyoṯayḏux gёd howën ṭawtër.’ |
This morning the doctor came to see him and told him: ‘I will prescribe you tablets because I believe that these tablets will be helpful to your kidneys.’ |
E hawxa, mëdlan aḥ ḥappoṯe w dacirina lu bayto”. |
And so we took the tablets and returned home.” |
“Kibi mëjġolono acme?” Mërla i Saro. |
“Can I talk to him?” Saro asked. |
“E, kale mëdlax yo.” |
“Yes, here you have him.” |
“Aydarbo hat kako?” |
“How are you brother?” |
“Tawdi ġalabe, hedi hedi koweno ṭawtër,” mërle u Abrohëm. |
“Thank you very much, little by little I’m doing better,” Abrohëm said. |
“Ġalabe ṭawwo,” mërla i Saro,” ḥulmono ṭawwo. Fëš bë šlomo”. |
Saro answered, “very good, get well soon. Bye.” |