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The Syriac writing system

The letters of the Syriac script are connected to each other sometimes from both sides, and sometimes only from the side in the direction of the writing (right to left). The result of this is that many letters take on two to three different forms depending on their position in the word.

1. Letters that are connected from both sides

  Letters Con­nected from left Mid­dle position Con­nected from right
B b ܒـ ـܒـ ـܒ ܒܡ... ܡܒܡ... ...ܡܒ
C c ܥـ ـܥـ ـܥ ܥܒ... ܒܥܒ... ...ܒܥ
Č č ܫ̰ـ ـܫ̰ـ ـܫ̰ ܫ̰ܒ... ܒܫ̰ܒ... ...ܒܫ̰
F f ܦـ ـܦـ ـܦ ܦܒ... ܒܦܒ... ...ܒܦ
G g ܓـ ـܓـ ـܓ ܓܒ... ܒܓܒ... ...ܒܓ
Ġ ġ ܓ݂ـ ـܓ݂ـ ـܓ݂ ܓ݂ܒ... ܒܓ݂ܒ... ...ܒܓ݂
Ḥ ḥ ܚـ ـܚـ ـܚ ܚܒ... ܒܚܒ... ...ܒܚ
I i ܝـ ـܝـ ـܝ ܝܒ... ܒܝܒ... ...ܒܝ
J j ܔـ ـܔـ ـܔ ܔܒ... ܒܔܒ... ...ܒܔ
K k ܟـ ـܟــܟ ܟܒ... ܒܟܒ... ...ܒܟ
L l ܠـ ـܠــܠ ܠܒ... ܒܠܒ... ...ܒܠ
M m ܡــܡـ ـܡ ܡܒ... ܒܡܒ... ...ܒܡ
N n ܢـ ـܢـ ـܢ ܢܒ... ܒܢܒ... ...ܒܢ
P p ܦ݁ــܦ݁ـ ـܦ݁ ܦ݁ܒ... ܒܦ݁ܒ... ...ܒܦ݁
Q q ܩـ ـܩـ ـܩ ܩܒ... ܒܩܒ... ...ܒܩ
S s ܣـ ـܣـ ـܣ ܣܒ... ܒܣܒ... ...ܒܣ
Š š ܫـ ـܫـ ـܫ ܫܒ... ܒܫܒ... ...ܒܫ
Ṭṭ ܛـ ـܛــܛ ܛܒ... ܒܛܒ... ...ܒܛ
V v ܒ݂ـ ـܒ݂ـ ـܒ݂ ܒ݂ܡ... ܡܒ݂ܡ... ...ܡܒ݂
X x ܟ݂ــܟ݂ـ ـܟ݂ ܟ݂ܒ... ܒܟ݂ܒ... ...ܒܟ݂
Y y ܝـ ـܝـ ـܝ ܝܒ... ܒܝܒ... ...ܒܝ

2. Letters that can only be connected from the right

  Letters Con­nected from left Mid­dle position Con­nected from right
A a ܐ ـܐ ܐܒ... ܒܐܒ... ...ܒܐ
D d ܕ ـܕ ܕܒ... ܒܕܒ... ...ܒܕ
Ḏ ḏ ܕ݂ ـܕ݂ ܕ݂ܒ... ܒܕ݂ܒ... ...ܒܕ݂
H h ܗ ـܗ ܗܒ... ܒܗܒ... ...ܒܗ
R r ܪـܪ ܪܒ... ܒܪܒ ...ܒܪ
Ṣ ṣ ܨ ـܨ ܨܒ... ܒܨܒ... ...ܒܨ
T t ܬـܬ ܬܒ... ܒܬܒ... ...ܒܬ
Ṯ ṯ ܬ݂ـܬ݂ ܬ݂ܒ... ܒܬ݂ܒ... ...ܒܬ݂
U u ܘـܘ ܘܒ... ܒܘܒ... ...ܒܘ
W w ܘـܘ ܘܒ... ܒܘܒ... ...ܒܘ
Z z ܙ ـܙ ܙܒ... ܒܙܒ... ...ܒܙ
Ž ž ܙ̰ ـܙ̰ ܙ̰ܒ... ܒܙ̰ܒ... ...ܒܙ̰